
“Viagens de Negócios, que negócio é esse?” [Business Trips, what is it?]

Solicite aqui o segundo livro de Viviânne Martins, diretora da Academia de Viagens e Eduardo Murad, Presidente da ALAGEV

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Planning a business trip is not the same as organizing a holiday trip. Corporate travel involves many travel agents, travelers, manager, etc. And they should be managed according to an organizational and financial planning so these trips can contribute to the development of the company. Therefore, it is necessary that those responsible for their management are always aware of trends and developments in the travel market and corporate events, as well as to changes in the traveler profile in order to combine the travel policy, needs and interests of the company regarding comfort, safety and desires of the professional going on a business trip.

Corporate events are also part of this sector when treated as a promotional and communication tool. Since they are a powerful way to attract new business to the company, corporate events should also be managed by professionals who are aware that these events are opportunities to win customers and employees.